Leslie’s (The Cozy Little Kitchen) Sunrise Marmalade and Marscapone Stuffed French Toast caught my imagination. I thought Dearest would love the fragrant flavors. There were a few ingredients I did not have on hand and ‘running’ to the store is out of the question – here in the country. So, I made a few adjustments and seized upon the notion of a ‘battered french toast’. Normally, you ‘batter french toast with an egg and milk batter – I wondered what it would be like to actually ‘batter’ the french toast.

Apricot-Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast
Filling2 tablespoons apricot jam
- 1/4 cup cream cheese softened
- 1 tablespoon sugar
Batter1/4 cup self-rise flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 1/2 tablespoon canola oil
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup buttermilk approximately
Bread8 slices raisin bread
Combine apricot jam, cream cheese and sugar until well blended. Spread the mixture on top one slice of raisin bread and top with another slice. You will have four 'sandwiches'.
Combine flour, sugar in batter mix. Make a well in the dry mix and add the wet ingredients-oil, eggs and buttermilk. Lightly whisk the wet ingredients then incorporate into the dry ingredients just until the batter is made. The batter should be more like a crepe batter than a pancake batter.
Dip the French toast 'sandwich' into the batter covering each side and fry in melted butter in pan. Brown on each side. Garnish with powdered sugar. Syrup is optional.
Dearest LOVED it.
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