Red Sky in the Morning
“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.” John Donne
As the sun was rising the color of the sky was a dusky pink. Whenever it is like this I think of my Dad. Being a Navy man he often quoted the rhyme, ‘red sky in the morning, Sailor take warning…’ The rhyme is usually right. If the sky is red or pink, we’ll get a shower. As the sun continued to rise I could see dark grey clouds to the north and west – where our storms generally come from.
Autumn’s First Day
‘Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower’ Albert Camus
Late tonight we’ll have the Autumn Equinox – equal days and nights. I have been noticing that the daylight hours are decreasing – challenging us to make the best use of our days.
Cooler Days
Crisp mornings, cooler days are ahead! In Georgia it is a second growing season where we can plant cool season flowers and vegetables…our frost is quite a way away. I’ll be planting Pansies – little Happy Faces and Snapdragons as well as some spring bulbs. It’s time to clean up, prepare plants to over-winter. I hope to keep all of my Geraniums for next year.
Autumn Morning Breakfast Tea
Everyone is leaving early today, so I made easy, portable breakfast. I made biscuit dough and placed them in a muffin tin. I rolled out the biscuit a little thinner than norman and pressed the dough into the sides of the muffin pan creating a crust. I then mixed egg, diced ham and shredded cheddar cheese for the savory biscuits. For the sweet biscuits I cut two small apples into cubes and tossed them in cinnamon and sugar. I filled each biscuit and baked until golden brown. These are easy, portable and delicious.
“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” Lauren De Stephano
Beginning the Autumn Season
As one season closes and another begins, I look forward to what can be accomplished and enjoyed in this autumn season.
I hope you have a marvelous day!