More Mystery Roses
A few more mystery roses have begun to bloom. The perfume of all the lovely spring blossoms waft sweetly in the cool breeze. We have had some unusually chilly days of late.
The first rose is one my neighbor recognized as one his grandmother grew. It is a climber/rambler with deep purple-red blossoms – the fragrance is a lovely rose scent. These roses bloom once in the spring.
The second rose is a bushy rose that bears dainty red-purple blooms on thorny branches.
The third rose is definitely a shrub – tiny leaves that are on extremely thorny stems. The buds of this rose seem to have thorns as well. The rose has a lot of deep pink petals and has no fragrance.
Together these roses show their different sizes and colors. I added a Memorial Day rose for contrast. It is a wonderful cottage garden rose – large blooms and extremely fragrant.
Thank you for stopping by! Out of the twenty-nine rose varieties I have there are eleven that are a mystery to me.
I will be sharing them with you and hopefully find out their names.
Thank you for your visit –
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