In the Garden
Passing the window at the landing of the stairs, I noticed this butterfly happily doing its dance on the Butterfly bush. The Last Days of Summer…
I am easily distracted by butterflies.
Forgetting what I was about to do, I picked up my camera to get as close as possible to this butterfly to capture its beauty. This butterfly was so enraptured by the nectar of the honey-sweet Butterfly bush, that it did not eve notice me as it danced and plunged round and round this beautiful bloom.
Then it flew away.
I then noticed this lone Dahlia flower and thus began my walk around the garden – the jungle at this point – I haven’t tended it in the past few weeks as I should.
The flowers of Summer are fading away
giving space to the glories of autumn.
The Hurricane Lily
on cue, at the beginning of September I can find these red dazzlers in my garden. Their leaves appear in the spring and their blooms magically make their appearance in the fall – silently these asparagus-like stalks immerge from the soil to burst open into their spidery form – hence their other name, Spider Lily.
Along the sidewalk I have several Mexican Sage that will bow with the wind and will attract yellow Butterflies. They’re just beginning to bloom.
The Crape Myrtles are still blooming – they’re very hearty bushes with confetti-like flowers.
The Geraniums are some of my favorites and I will be preparing them to over-winter indoors later this year.
The Crabapples are ripened and will be wonderful for some homemade jelly. Summer is winding down this year in my garden – I am enjoying every last bit of every last moment.