Behold the Lamb
This is a true story. I began the day at work and had plans to take off early to get my license renewed, to shop and then to go to Dearest’s family gathering at his work.
All went pretty well as planned. As I was driving out of our little town on the state highway driving towards the next town – quite a bit bigger town, I thought I saw deer on the side of the road.
Deer are everywhere this time of the year and I’ve never hit one and plan never to do so! So, I slowed down. Then my eyes widened in surprise. There on the side of the road were two small donkeys and….one sheep.
This was a rare sight. You don’t really see sheep in this part of the country. I
The Dispatcher said, ‘thank you Ma’m, help is on the way’.
I thought about this for the remainder of the ride – we live about thirty minutes from any other town in our rural part of the country. The ride is always enjoyable to me. I love to see the hay fields, the cattle, the trees and the gorgeous homes.
I was thinking about this time of the year. Our focus is on fulfilling the wants and wishes of the ones we love by purchasing gifts to be shared on Christmas morning.
Then I thought on the most precious gift. The greatest gift. The gift of The Lamb. Before time began God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit knew what it would take to redeem Mankind from the penalty of sin. A Lamb and not just any Lamb.
Jesus knew, Jesus chose to make this sacrifice. He came to this earth and many didn’t know that God became Man to be among us for one thing – LOVE.
He came in a quiet, gentle manner. He came teaching, healing and comforting. Then, He gave up His life so we could have life eternal with Him.
Behold the LAMB.
The focus of Christmas at our home is the joy and celebration of this amazing gift. Dearest first reads Luke chapter two and then we thank God and pray. We then exchange gifts…but in my heart and mind if we had no gift to give each other we could rejoice in knowing that we’ve been given and accepted the greatest gift. The gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ our LORD.
Behold the LAMB
As you’re gathering with your family, opening presents and exchanging gifts, do you remember the greatest gift of all? Do you know of this amazing love bestowed upon you? If not, today would be the greatest day to begin that life. It’s simple. Believe. Do you believe that Jesus is who He says He is? Do you believe that He came to this earth to live as a man to ultimately pay the penalty of sin for all mankind? Do you understand that without accepting this gift – you will be separated for all eternity from God? Believe, understand and acknowledge your need. Then, accept.
The gift was offered and given many, many years ago. I have known the LORD as my Savior for 40 years now. There’s so much I’m learning over these years. There’s so much to appreciate and to learn. The greatest is love and the joy is the knowing that this Christmas as we exchange gifts I have the knowledge that each of my loved ones have at one point in time believed, acknowleged and accepted this amazing gift of love.
I hope you too will and that the next year will be full of love, wonder and learning of how amazing life is and will be – because of the LAMB.