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Serene Sunday

grace, Serene Sunday

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Serene Sunday


Over and over in the course of time, God has bestowed grace upon people. The first mention of grace in the bible was when Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

Unmerited Favor

Grace is Favor; good will; kindness; disposition to oblige another; as a grant made as an act of grace.

Grace is when God bestows His love toward us, yet when we were deemed to be His enemy. It was through the free-will gift of love through Jesus Christ on the cross that bestowed the most wonderful extension of grace toward all mankind.

Appropriately, the free unmerited love and favor of God, the spring and source of all the benefits men receive from him.

I am amazed by the wonderful knowledge of the unlimited love God bestows us. I am amazed that He so wished a relationship with us that He went to the greatest extent to offer grace toward us…All we had to do was to accept.

But, by accepting, this should change us. By accepting the gift of salvation through Christ we now have the Holy Spirit indwelling us, helping us, teaching us, encouraging us, convicting us.

God’s Grace Renews Our Hearts

My grace is sufficient for thee…” II Corinthians 12:9

By and through the gift of grace our hearts should be transformed. We now understand what it means to be forgiven by God…My thoughts then flow to ‘how can we withhold forgiveness to others when we have been so freely and completely forgiven?’

Through the knowledge and gift of God we come to understand that we are required to forgive. We are required to extend grace to all we know. Why? Because of God himself. Because God does not withhold grace from anyone. If anyone asks forgiveness of God – He will freely give it.

Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” Romans 5:20

The presence of Grace Exceeds All

Through grace we can enjoy a wonderful relationship with God. Through grace we can have confidence in our future with God. Through grace we can attain more of the attributes of God. Through grace, we can see others and the world through the eyes of God…We can see their need. We can see the importance and relationship of forgiveness to grace.

Grace was so freely given to us, we should freely extend grace to others. This frees us and others. We don’t have to be bound by the focus of the cause for the need of forgiveness. We can see and understand beyond that. The offenses which require forgiveness become less important than the need for reconciliation; the need for love; the need for restoration; the need for understanding.

For without grace bestowed upon us from God, we all would be without hope or joy. Thank God for grace and for his unmerited favor. No one deserved grace from God. But all deserve grace from us for God’s sake.

Seeing things through God’s eyes we understand that there’s a bigger picture. There are things more important – eternally. The soul of each man is so important; much more important than any one thing or event to withhold grace from them.

I know we all have those in our lives whom we may think don’t deserve our forgiveness or the gift of grace from us. But, when God offered it to us did we deserve it? No. No one deserved grace from God, but He bestows it anyway. Then, how can we do any less than God.

It’s liberating and freeing to offer grace and forgiveness to others. Not only do we set that person free from judgment or punishment…we also set ourselves free from the bondage of being unforgiving. Once we’ve accepted salvation and grace from God we are to grow in Him to become more like Him. There’s a definite joy in the knowledge that we’re free now to live our lives and to love others through Christ.

There’s joy in grace. There’s joy in seeing the world through God’s eyes…of bestowing His kindness toward others. Grace, such an amazing wonderful gift.

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