Roses in my Garden
I feel so blessed with all of the roses in my garden. When we first looked at our house, it was this large La Marne that drew my heart. I knew we were home.
A couple smaller La Marne
are growing on the eastside of the garden. Someday they may grow to be as big as the original.
Growing wild
The garden had not been tended for a while and I knew that we needed to be patient to see just what was in our old garden. One of the roses we discovered growing wildly every where was the Pink Dawn. I was able to take a couple and to train them up two arbors.
Cascading over the wall
One of the other delights in our garden is the wall at the street. We live on a hill and the sidewalk is elevated about three to four feet on one end and over five feet at the other. The previous owner planted a few roses that cascade over the side as well as a couple shrub roses.
~George Eliot
You love the roses – so do I. I wish
The sky would rain down roses, as they rain
From off the shaken bush. Why will it not?
Then all the valley would be pink and white
And soft to tread on. They would fall as light
As feathers, smelling sweet: and it would be
Like sleeping and yet waking, all at once.
A few years back we were gifted with several roses.
This rose can grow very tall and spreads from the ground. My neighbor tells me that his grandmother had a bush just like this. I’ve seen it in a few gardens around town.
This is a very sweet little shrub rose we have one at each side of an arbor. The buds are a little thorny before they open to this multi-petaled beauty.
This little rose has compact deep red/violet blooms and is very fragrant.
The Memorial Day rose has a very strong fragrance and the first roses are quite big.
This is a Kierra or a Japanese rose.
This rambling rose grows at our back patio – it’s fragrance is marvelous and hangs beautifully in the evening air.
Dearest’s roses
On the westside of our garden is Dearest’s garden. There he has quite a number of Daffodils, Daylilies, Angel Trumpets, Crape Myrtle, Hurricane Lilies, Allium, Forsythia and this gorgeous cascading White Dawn rose.
The Knockout Roses
These roses are a wonderful gift to the garden. Their ease in growth and prolific nature make them marvelous choices for your garden.
The Austins
Choosing these marvelous old English roses for our zone is not easy. We have such hot, humid summers that some are just too delicate. I do give them a try. This marvelous red rose was a surprise this year. One of the roses struggled -it was yellow. This year I think it’s root stock took over and now we have this enchanting red rose growing beneath the Crabapple tree.
There are a few more yet to bloom….
I am so thankful for all the wonderful roses and plants in my garden. It is definitely a blessing.
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” Audrey Hepburn
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