
Sentimental thoughts…


This morning as I looked at my calendar I noted, it’s the first day of June. When did that happen -how quickly the first 151 days of this year pass by?! Musings and a few of my favorite time quotes.

When did time begin to pass by so quickly!


I remember when days seem to last for ever.  When the joy of playing in the sun with your siblings and friends filled you with happiness.  Yesterday we had lunch with friends and one said, ‘I remember the 8th grade’. I replied, ‘I do too!’ When we’re in our youth, we couldn’t wait for the day when we become an adult, when we could be independent, start our own families….

When did our children become adults?!



Our days were filled with spending time together – the children laughing and playing and yes, fighting. But, each moment was precious to me… watching them grow, develop their interests, and showing who they will become. Then one by one they too grew up and began to fulfill their dreams to start their own lives…

Now, my youngest is a young lady now…



She’s graduated from a 2-year college and is preparing to continue to her degree. She’s met the one she would like to marry and is now dreaming of her wedding, her future…

Yes, I remember 8th grade…


I loved math class, my group of friends, being in the student body government, writing, drawing, and dancing. Bell-bottom pants were it!; playing street football -all of us -with the coolest high-school quarterback on our street; getting on top of the roof of our house to watch the sun set into the Pacific Ocean, listening to my Dad sing country music, listening to Mom go through all five of our names before she got to the right one – the one who needed scolding at the time; reading Nancy Drew Mysteries and James Herriot novels…reading all the time!; I loved art, I loved our pets, I loved our garden-Dad’s garden, and I loved daydreaming of my future…who I would be, who I would marry and how many children we’d have…

It’s the season of graduations and weddings and births…


This week my youngest daughter was a bridesmaid in her friend’s wedding, she graduated from college…she’s preparing to leave our nest. We had the opportunity to host two bird families very nearby. One, the Mocking bird family in the rose arbor…I couldn’t get close – they guard their nest fiercely! The other a House Wren family, right inside our side porch, up high in one of my empty pots. It seemed an instant when we discovered the nests, filled with eggs, then we hear the insistent chirping of the young birds…then silence. They all flew away, so swiftly.

This morning, I realize I truly am living my dream still…


Even though time is passing by so quickly, each day I cherish the moments with my children, dreaming now of their families their children. My grandchildren – I can’t wait!

Right Now…


Reminiscing, and day-dreaming is wonderful, it brings a sentimental smile to one’s face. Enjoying the now is where I am. There comes a point in one’s life where we realize how precious time is, how swift and fleeting it is. We can still fill our days with dreams and plans, but it is so very important to treasure the Right Now; to stamp on our hearts and minds the precious moments we have with those we love. Spending the days still making my home, my nest a wonderful place for us to comfortably enjoy – fixing their favorite meals – some new ones to try too – enjoying my own garden…delighting in Dearest’s laugh and smile and still pursuing my dreams. 

I truly am living my dream.




‘I thank my God upon every remembrance of you’. Philippians 1:3

I remember the moment the day when I first realized just how much God loved me. When I saw myself and my need for the salvation Jesus offered so willingly, that we might enjoy a long, loving relationship. I was fourteen…some 36 years ago. I fell in love with God and Jesus then. I’ve grown now to truly, deeply love God and find joy in living each day for Him. He’s blessed my life beyond what I could see as a young girl…there have been ups and downs, deep sorrow and trials, but through it all, God’s love and grace has remained faithful and has filled me with assurance and joy. 

Sentimental thoughts…


From a young girl’s dreaming, to a ‘A Femme d’Un Certain Age’ reminiscing…still dreaming of  the future, enjoying today and thankful for all the yesterdays. Life truly is beautiful. The wonder of it all is that there’s still so much more ahead. Thank you, LORD.


I hope you have a blessed week!

I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties: 

Teacup Tuesday Teacup Tuesday Teatime Tuesday Friends Sharing Tea Inspire Me Monday

Common Ground Foodie Friday Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


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