Waiting For Snow
This afternoon the buzz in Georgia is snow. I just heard that we’re now under an official Winter Storm Watch. It’s amazing to realize that as the bright sunny days are being changed over with the coming clouds that the landscape outside my window can look drastically different.
I am looking forward to it!
I grew up in southern California and have lived the majority of my life in the south. For a few years we lived in Ohio and experienced ‘real‘ winters. I loved it. Even the blizzards. It was a fascinating world transformed by the snow.
So I sit on the window seat in our bedroom and look at our garden below.
I should take a before – after photo…but, right now I’m enjoying the quiet-stillness of the moment.
Romance is in the air as Valentines approaches.
So I’m reading one of the most charming love stories I know. Did you know that Stonewall Jackson, General in the Civil War wrote love letters to his beautiful wife? He was a man of deep faith and expressed that and his love for his wife and country in these letters. The story can be found in Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife
Heart-Shaped Powdered Lemon Cookies
I had some cookie dough in the freezer and made these heart-shaped cookies in honor of the romantic book, this romantic time and the dusting of sugar – in honor of the upcoming snow.
Quiet moments on my window seat.
Awaiting the snow….thinking of one of the sweet songs from Frozen
….’Do you wanna make a Snowman?’ Yes, yes I do!