Top 10 Reasons to go to Haven Conference
By me. There’s a wonderful joy in knowing someone else understands you – understands what you do and what you like. This is one of the best reasons to blog and most especially to attend a blog conference.
Reason #1: Cameraderie
All throughout the 2 1/2 days Dearest and I were at the Haven Conference it was such a delight to see bloggers I had met last year; to recognize bloggers I had been following and to meet new blogging friends. There was a joyous chorus as you stepped out of the elevators of all of the happy conversations being said. I had someone stop me and ask just what kind of conference this was – he was confused – he didn’t get it – there were tool reps; woodworking reps; Home Depot and there was a GMC parked at the entrance…and the room was filled with enthusiastic ladies. He didn’t get it – but we all did!
Reason #2: The Awesome Classes
You can go to school for just about any thing. You can find a book, a tutorial, a video, etc…to teach you how to start a blog, use social media, take better pictures and such. But, the best teachers are your peers – those who have made it their purpose to master their passion…and are willing to share what they’ve learned with you. It was hard deciding which class to take. There were just so many awesome classes. In the end, I was so thankful for the ones I attended…they’re going to change my blogging life! You’ll see just how soon!
Reason #3: Sponsors and Vendors
There’s an increasing number of companies who are beginning to understand the value of a relationship with a blogger. They’re beginning to understand that these are folks who honestly will try and use their product and that their opinion counts among their peers.We have been doing it for years -sharing what we like to use – we ask each other – in a girlfriend sort of way. Sponsors are not only realizing the value of bloggers, but are also willing to partner with them. It’s getting better and better! They bring SWAG too.
Reason #4: SWAG
One of the first thing you get when you register for the conference is a lovely bag filled with swag. I did some research. There are some interesting theories on just where the word SWAG came from. What I liked best was Stuff We All Get…not only that, but the stuff we all get is great, awesome stuff we can begin to use when we return home!
Reason #5: Enthusiasm and Encouragement
Whether you’re sailing along with the wind at your back with your blog, or your slogging through the muddy waters of lack of inspiration and time, the enthusiasm at the conference will be contageous. Not only that, but there are others who have gone through where you are and are willing to share their thoughts and tips with you. Bloggers are such a marvelous community that we fully understand the value of encouraging others.
Reason #6: Contacts and Relationships
This goes hand in hand with cameraderie, classes and sponsors. You meet fellow bloggers who are in your niche, you develop friendships and perhaps partnerships. This works as well with the sponsors….you come away from the blog with business cards…and ideas that will help you take that next step in your blog.
Reason #7: Ideas and Purpose
What you learn in the classes and in the hallways gives you ideas to improve your blog…ideas to create blog posts, blog series et…You can find or renew your purpose – your reason for blogging.
Reason #8: The Organizers
I love observing the wonderful working relationship between these awesome ladies. I can tell that they’ve pulled their talents, their skills and their dedication to bring to every blogger an well executed, well organized and absolutely beautiful blogging conference. They’re simply amazing!
Reason #9: Inspiration
At each class and at the closing ceremonly we were taught by bloggers who have faced many things in their lives – shared their lives – learned how to excell…and learned the value of authenticity…their stories are inspiring…each one of us has our own story…that’s what we learn that sets us apart…though we share similar interests, it is our perspective that sets us apart and can be inspiring to others.
Reason #10: The Sheer Awesome Fun
The conference organizers and the sponsors outdid themselves this year…I’ve only attended two years, but I can tell – it is just going to get (as Dearest says) gooder and gooder. The profesionalism shone throughout – the event was beautiful and there was so much fun to be had with the very innovative sponsors and vendors. Dearest and I laughed a lot…a lot!
These are my top 10 reasons to attend Haven…perhaps you’ve thought, considered going to a conference. I challenge you to begin to prepare now. Give it at least one chance. You’ll find your own reasons to enjoy the conference – perhaps share some of mine….look for me!