
New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

Every morning for the past couple months, my sister-in-law and I have morning devotion and prayer time. It came as a result of a need on her part…and then I realized how much of a need it was for me. This morning I am musing on new beginnings.

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Each morning, we begin our prayer by thanking God for this new day…we never know what that day will hold, but we do know of the constant that God is peace, joy, love, longsuffering, kindness….He knows what the day will hold and has promised that He will be with us. He has always kept his promises. 

“Every day is a new beginning; stay away from what might have been.”

We find that some of these days are filled with great challenges – some of these challenges are difficult, but we have the steadiness in knowing that we can move forward with the assurance that God is in control. All we have to do is to act, not react to these situations. One of the best things to do in all is to listen – to understand what the true need in the situation will be.

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Every day is a new beginning. I found myself at crossroads with my blog a few months back. I had accepted a commitment that demanded a lot of my attention – a whole lot more than I could have ever realized. But, I took an oath, I made a promise and I will give it my utmost best. This took its toll on my blog. Also, Dearest went through some health problems that we are still working through, but thank God, we have a diagnosis and is getting better. It got to a point that I realized I could not think of ideas or how to express them – I have a few projects I’ve completed, but haven’t had the words, or gumption to even take the pictures of these projects. My head was somewhere else. 

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Now, after spending a few days with fellow bloggers, learning and experiencing the joy of the fellowship of bloggers…I am ready for new beginnings. And I am excited about this…each one of us has something to give and to share – a need can be met. 

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I see new beginnings for me…I envision a number of projects, ideas and musings I can share. I came to realize that we are all different, but we are all the same too. Each person has something in their life that is a challenge, maybe a difficult challenge for them. But, if you know and have a relationship with God, you know that ultimately, all things do work together for good – to them that love God…to them who are called according to His purpose. There is purpose to all things we experience – you never know who needs just what you’re sharing, just what your thinking…to have hope, joy, peace and know that others understand and care. 

“Starting today I need to forget what’s gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what’s coming next.”

Whatever you have in your life, know that you can wade through this situation, you can be made stronger and then share. Some one else needs to know this. Can you relate?

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More on Blogging – When You Get Off Track; Blogging – Why Begin in the First Place

she walked confidently quote

I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:

Teatime Tuesday

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

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