How do you feel about your home? There are many beautiful words that can be used to describe the places we live in. These words include haven, retreat, castle, sanctuary, and dwelling.

I truly believe that the home is an extension and a reflection of the woman. This is how she expresses herself and shows her creativity. This is how she reveals what is beautiful to her and how she wishes to make it a place of respite for herself and her family.
It’s not so much in the things. Because it is not about the things. They are adornments like those used to accentuate an outfit.
It is not so much how big or how small a dwelling is. Although these are all parts of the whole.
It is the heart behind the one who creates the haven, the sanctuary, the castle for herself and for her family.
The home is the blissful expression of the love of the woman for her family.
We all have to take great care not to make the things in our lives more important. They shouldn’t be too precious. All things are fleeting and replaceable. Those we love should be the ones who inspire us to surround ourselves with beauty. Creating a space for the family to enjoy and to feel comfortable is what brings happiness to our hearts and to those we love. It is what brings pure bliss into our lives.
Our homes can be a haven of bliss.
To do this we have to understand what it takes to create and to maintain a home of bliss. Remember, don’t let the things we collect become too precious for those in our lives to handle or to relax in or on.
There is no relaxation in clutter. Whether we realize it or not, clutter can be that thought, observance, or realization that might not be at the forefront of our minds, but we are very aware of it. Clutter can rob our hearts and minds of true bliss.
I have been a collector for years. I love collecting things that were once cherished by another. I would think that I was continuing that honor and love for the object. There was a point that I had too much. I didn’t have enough room to display things. I’d have to store them away. And what good is that? I would rotate things seasonally. Even by doing that, I truly didn’t enjoy all that I’d collected.
Then I began to take a closer look at what I’d collected. Did they truly add to the blissful atmosphere I wanted in my home? Were they of real value to me? Did they hold precious memories? Or were they just objects that I had to arrange and rearrange, to clean or to store? Had I reached the point of too much? Sometimes when we do, the caring of the objects becomes the objective…and they lose their true value.
I’m learning now to look carefully at all that I’ve brought into my home. Does this complete the look of the room? Do I need to edit? Is this a collection I want to continue to curate.
There is more beauty in simplicity. There’s more peace, joy and bliss in having just enough.
Creating a beautiful home is truly an extension of ourselves. How we care for our home reflects our hearts. Who we create our home for also reveals our priorities.
We’re creating all the time. Just what are we creating in our homes for ourselves and for those we love? Are we creating a place where we are comfortable and at peace? Are we creating a place to relax and find joy?
Home. The home we make – is it blissful in your eyes? Is it blissful in the eyes of those you love? You are the heart of the home. Your love for your family is reflected in the home you make. Make sure that in making a home for your family – that no matter what’s around them, or what’s going on in this world – that you and your home reflect a place of sanctuary. That you and your home are a haven for your family.
You are home to your family. Find bliss in the simple ways you create and reflect for your family.
True bliss is pure happiness for yourself and a gift you can give to others.