I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
One of the sweetest parts of having Christ in our lives is as time goes, as life goes and as situations occur we begin to realize we’re not in this alone.
Serene Sunday
It is the most amazing gift and realization that when we accept Christ as our Savior, Christ now lives within us.
We don’t have to let circumstances rule over us. We can have amazing peace, contentment and joy in our lives – no matter what is happening.
Because, Christ is living within us.
Now, it may take time for this realization to occur and to take full hold of our hearts and minds. We don’t get rid of our flesh, or our wants, and wills. We don’t get rid of our insecurities, our habits when we first accept Christ. We will always have ourselves to contend with.
It’s growth. Imagine a baby as it begins to learn then becomes a child. We marvel and enjoy all that our toddler granddaughter is learning exponentially day by day. She’s finding joy in learning and accomplishing things.
We can too, in Christ. As we live this life there are a lot of things that are totally out of our control. Who we allow to control us, is the basis of living in Christ. Submitting to Him. Trusting Him and waiting for Him helps us move throughout our days with peace, contentment and discernment.
Just think on this – Christ lives in you. He’s not a watered down Christ. He is fully God, the creator, our redeemer, our brother, and friend. He cares more for us than we can comprehend. He has a dream life for us. That doesn’t mean a life free of difficulties and hardship. It is a life fulfilling our potential and our purpose.
I say often now, everything is figure-out-able. I also pray each day to be kind, calm, patient and to have discernment. I focus on allowing Christ to lead me and to direct me through all circumstances.
This takes practice as with a child learning anything. It takes being willing to fall and to let go. It takes awareness. One of the most important things to be aware of is just who Christ is. When you fully meditate on that and fully grasp just how wonderful it is that not only did he take on our sins, die on the cross to pay those sins, but also now lives for us and our lives are in Him…the magnitude of this can just continue to amaze us.
We do get stronger the more we exercise our faith. We do get more peaceful when we fully accept all things do work together for the good.
Philippians 4:11-13
Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.
No matter what you’re going through now, if you have Christ in your life, you can learn that secret of living in every situation.
Christ in you – the hope of glory.