In England tonight…
For we fans in the United States…January 4 – or as the Masterpiece website shares – 105 days.
Season 3 finished with such dramatic events!
These events changed the course for a number of characters that will be explored in Season 4.
Fascinating changes…beginning 6 months after the close of Season 3.
Would like like some tea and cookies – sweet treat as we think on this fascinating series – I shared before that Dearest and I became quick fans after viewing Season 1 online.
Beautifully written characters, storyline, gorgeous home and scenery.
We became quite interested in the lives of the family and of the downstairs staff…then we checked out Season 2 and Season 3. Watching as these characters managed through war, economic changes and social changes.
How about some Earl Grey tea – a beautifully fragrant tea…
In Season 4 we see the family and the staff face more social change and some unexpected turns of events…
Perhaps Dearest and I will revisit these three Seasons – in preparation for Season 4…
We can explore these characters, the changes, their growth…patiently until Season 4 is made available to fans in the U.S.
There’s plenty of time for us…ready for a teaser – a preview…I warn you…quite fascinating and it will spark your interest to see and to know more…
Do you like Downton Abbey? Have you seen all three Seasons? Which are your favorite characters? Shall we party after the new year – ready for Season 4?
I am!