
alfresco dining inspired by Monet

Enjoying the Beauty of the Garden Inspired by Monet

Cottage Garden Seasonal Spring, Cottage Gardening, Featured

the blog:

This Spring has been exquisitely beautiful and mild. I just love spending time outdoors. The flowers are fragrant and the birds fill the air with their song. I am enjoying the beauty of the day and Alfresco dining is such a delight!

enjoying the beauty of spring and inspired by Monet

Enjoying the Beauty of the Garden Inspired by Monet.

I love art. I’m inspired by art and artists. This tablecloth reminds me of some of Monet’s beautiful paintings. This little corner of our garden is the perfect place to enjoy the beauty, fragrance and song.

The most fragrant flowers come from the amazing Magnolia tree. My neighbor has a beautiful one that fills the air with a sweet, lemony fragrance. 

enjoying the beautiful spring garden - dining outdoors

In the South we have three flowering shrubs that are sure to make any garden enchanting. This Lacecap Hydrangea we brought with us from our previous home. We actually brought several flowers. 

vintage garden and dining inspired by Monet

Our garden has a vintage flair with some of the flowers having been here for decades – passed from one loving owner to the next. 

vintage garden and dining alfresco inspired by Monet

This patio was set by a previous owner and at one time was the location for a well! 


We’ve had recent rains that have refreshed and restored the garden – the best way. 

alfresco dining

Seemingly overnight, the world turned green again. Trees and shrubs once dormant are alive – what Spring is all about. I love enjoying the outdoors as much as possible, especially in a beautiful relaxing setting.

fresh fruit for Spring alfresco dining inspired by MonetI have mixed the china and dishes – just like Monet would mix various colors to bring together a beautiful piece of artwork.

Beautiful china for alfresco dining - Martha StewartNot only am I distracted by the beauty of the garden, but we’ve had several butterflies visiting as well! I will always stop and admire the butterflies!

monet inspired tableclothI’m not sure how long I’ve had this lovely tablecloth. It reminds me of the beauty of Monet’s artwork – It seems to have an impressionist’s flair.

shady garden alfresco dining inspired by MonetThis shady corner just has enough sunlight to bring light to this tablescape. Spring, what a joy and inspiration. I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy this garden, this day and the joy of the outdoors.

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