There are times when Dearest just wants something sweet. This happened last week. I was, however, low on pantry staples. I stretched my imagination and made a cake using honey flavored yogurt.
This yogurt has a strong flavor of honey and I thought the moisture from the yogurt would make a marvelous cake. I was right. Dearest loved it.
Today, I am setting tea for us with some gorgeous Hydrangeas I picked from my Mother-in-Law’s bush – it is quite large and heavy with blooms. My Hydrangeas are babies compared to hers, with the exception of the Lace-Cap Hydrangea.
I was hoping to enjoy this tea outdoors, but the rainy weather has dampened that idea. So, I am setting this table indoors, with the doors wide open, the sound of the rain and birds singing filling the air. I am so thankful for the rain – normally summers here are hot and dry.
Center stage in this tea is this Delightsome Willow Tree figure that my son gifted me a while back. I just adore her.
To compliment the blue in this tea, I chose my Noritake Blue Hill tea set. This was a thrifty find at an auction. We bought a lot and this lovely set was hidden within an old coffee pot box. No one knew it was there!
The pattern to this set is lovely with the varying shades of blue and lavender – perfect for this Hydrangea and Honey Yogurt cake tea.
On the couch is another thrifty find, this time at Goodwill. I found this sweet pillow with the Hydrangea pattern in the center – I knew it was going to be a part of my pillow collection.
Next to the bouquet of Hydrangeas I placed this cut-glass candelabra I made a while back. I love its delicate lines next to the flowers.
I hope you’re having a lovely day – the rain seems to have settled in. So I will find more projects to do indoors. I do have a-plenty; things that I put off while working extra hours these past three months.
I am changing a few things with my blog – this post would normally be with my A Return to Loveliness tea post. Instead, I will post my tea separately and feature three of the most viewed posts from the previous week – tea time is all about getting together and sharing with one another – I always look forward to what beauty – what LOVELINESS you have to share. I will attempt to keep a schedule of posting A Return to Loveliness at 1 p.m. on Mondays so that you will know when you can join in.
I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage
Tea Cup Tuesday~ Artful Affirmations
Tea Cup Tuesday ~Martha’s Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~ Antiques and Teacups
Friends Sharing Tea ~ Open House @Bernideen’s Teatime Blog
Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here
Shabbilicious Friday @ Shabby Art Boutique
Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine’s Corner
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Open House @ Bernideen’s Tea Time Blog
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Sundae Scoop @ I heart nap time
A Return to Loveliness @ A Delightsome Life
Cottage Style Party @ Lavender Garden Cottage
Home @ Rose Chintz Cottage
What’s It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants