Sweet Early Summer Morning
In between the summer showers I took advantage of the cooled air to sit and enjoy a corner of my garden. In this corner deep blue Morning Glory reseeded itself from last year’s planting – I should say, reseeded itself wildly. I love the way it is growing up the whimsical Crape Myrtle arbor Dearest made for me and how it is covering the ground below it.
I set my sweet teacup alongside this beautiful Sadler teapot – to enjoy the brief sunshine, the moist air and the chorus of the song of the birds. It is a good Monday morning, full of potential and of joy.
Early Summer Morning
by James TippLike a lovers embrace.
The birds sang, the river ebbed.
All is at peace.
The heat of the summer sun,
Shrouded for a time,
Drawing up the vapour
Like gathering in the harvest.
We too look for a son
To be warmly embraced
Gathered into his presence.
While we wait, we are warmed.
The spirit moves across the earth
Drawing people to himself
Into the summer of eternity

I love what the rain does to the morning air, mingling the fragrance of the flowers and the grass – the air seems so sweet this morning.
I’ll enjoy the outdoors while I can, we’re slated to have pop-up thunderstorms throughout the day. I hope you’re having a sweet Monday morning enjoying the blessings of another day.
A Return to Loveliness party will be published at 1 pm ET
I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage
Tea Cup Tuesday~ Artful Affirmations
Tea Cup Tuesday ~Martha’s Favorites
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~ Antiques and Teacups
Friends Sharing Tea ~ Open House @Bernideen’s Teatime Blog
Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here
Shabbilicious Friday @ Shabby Art Boutique
Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine’s Corner
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Open House @ Bernideen’s Tea Time Blog
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Sundae Scoop @ I heart nap time
A Return to Loveliness @ A Delightsome Life
Cottage Style Party @ Lavender Garden Cottage
Home @ Rose Chintz Cottage
What’s It Wednesday @ Ivy and Elephants