To Know Your Way
There comes a point in everyone’s life when we realize – we’ve grown, we’ve matured. It comes when there’s an understanding and an sense of knowing the importance of wisdom and discretion in our lives.
It is a sense of maturity. Young people feel they’ve ‘grown up’ when they reach a certain age, but the actual growing up of mind and of deportment comes much later.
As Christians, we begin afresh. We begin anew. There’s a lot we learn right away. That is when we first come to understand our situation – our need for salvation and the immense love God has toward us. Our understanding of the need for a relationship and of how our lives should and can be different begins right away. But, as with all maturing and growing, there are seasons and steps to take in our Christian life to know our way.
How do We Build Our House
What is our house? It is our life. It is our lifestyle. It is our being and doing in life. It is how we treat others. And, most importantly, it is how we build our relationship with our God.
We come to Christ knowing only so much. It is important to continue to take those necessary steps with Him to continue to grow. Otherwise, if we don’t we can become persuaded of some ideas and thoughts that seem to be right, but in the end are completely contradictory to what God teaches.
We need to be careful of who we learn from and who we listen to. The good thing is we’re given the gift of the Holy Spirit to aid us in our discernment. And, we are given God’s own words. So, it is most important to give time to spend with God’s word and to give time in prayer.
As we grow, we’re given the knowledge and information on a gradual level that individually we need to further understand God and His ways. He teaches us just what we need to know – through His word. We should always, always compare what some attempt to teach to the word of God. Fortunately, there are several resources for us to use in our searching.
“The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.” Proverbs 14:15
Know Your Way
“Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,” Hebrews 6:1
Growth is not overnight. Growth will not be without some struggle. But, growth will include and contain measures of joy and of peace. The more we know and the more we see God in all aspects of our lives, the more we will have true joy and true peace.
Those things that once shook us to our core, have no power over us. That is as long as we keep our eyes and focus on God. If we allow time and circumstances to keep us from spending that time – we’re walking through life in our own steam. We’re not exercising the power of God – the Holy Spirit – within us. We’re taking control of the helm of our lives. We are walking through life without the strength and peace God graciously offers us each day.
“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 1 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,” Colossians 1:9,10
So, it is vitally important to spend that time with God to gain that strength. We need to feed and fuel our souls with time in prayer and time in reading His word.
Growth takes time. Growth takes some struggle. But, growth is beautiful when you know that the feeding, the weeding and the working of the soil of our hearts brings about a maturing; it brings about a closeness to God. It brings about the potential in us that God knows is there.
Know your way. Know that every day is important. Know that the most important thing to do first in each day is to spend time with God. After that – all else will fall into place. All other situations will be weighed and balanced in their importance. We will be able more to see what it is we’re to do and how we’re to behave in all situations.
Knowing our way doesn’t mean a life without struggle. It means we’re walking with God close by our side. It means we seek His wisdom and His discernment. It means we emulate His nature and we emulate His love.
This a growing of our heart, mind and spirit. This is maturing. This is a wonderful knowledge that in all of God’s plans – He has a plan for us and we’re important to Him. So, why not seek to grow, to learn and to be that person God knows we’re capable of being? Why not go from the joy and awe in our first knowing Him to growing our joy and love toward Him all the more?
Know your way. Today is the day to take that next step in growth. Today is the day to open His word and ask Him – what do you want me to learn today. Today is the day we talk with Him and acknowledge His majesty in our lives – with a sense of awe and reverence.
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7