Are you content with yourself? Do you like you? Do you say or think, “I wish I were…I wish I had…I wish I could…” or something similar? This is not new. This has happened from the beginning of time. Remember Cain? Also Peter asked Jesus about John…just after he was told certain good things about himself. How easily one can be discontent by comparison.
Truly Unique
Each one of us are truly unique by design; God’s design. Each one of us has certain gifts, by design. We should never want to be like another or to have another’s gifts. We all have something to bring to the table – so to speak. We all have a part that God planned for; especially in the family of God. We all work together for good. Your personality, talents and even how you look is perfectly how God wanted you to be.
You’re good at something. So, shine at what you’re good at. Do you naturally organize things…help others who don’t. Do you plan things well…do it to the best of your ability and help others. Do you sing…sing with all your heart. Do you create…create with joy! Can you listen well or empathize with people…there are many out there who just need someone to listen to them. Whatever gifts and talents you have…use them!
Find Contentment
In our modern-day information saturated world it’s easy to become discontent. We need to break away from all of the noise out there. There are so many people who are telling us we’d be happy if we had this…we’d be better off if we looked like this…we’d be more accepted if we…fill in the blank. There are many who are telling us how to live, how to eat, how to improve etc…
These all can be so distracting. How can we live and find contentment in this world with all of this noise….
With our cell phones we can have so much information with us at all times. I see people constantly looking at their phones – even at work. Determine how much time you’ll spend plugging in to this information. Break away from the 24-hour news cycle…most of the time they get the information out before knowing the full truth any how. Sometimes they don’t even get to the truth.
- Set aside time to check in to your emails – not all day – morning and night
- Listen to the news once per day – it cycles all day long anyhow
- Set aside time for Social Media – limit your time
- Focus on your priorities – what’s the most important thing for you to do
- Focus on others around you
Seek Contentment
Confession time. I had a day when someone at the last minute asked me to help them with something. This person knows that I have responsibilities and things to do, yet they thought I could just drop it all and come to do what they wanted – right then. I felt so obliged, and began to become angry. I continued to think about this trying to rearrange my tasks to accommodate this person. The more I dwelt on this request, the more angrier I got. Then I realized. This anger was internal. No one else was being affected by it. It was definitely robbing me of my contentment for the day.
We all have people and things pulling at us. When we can we should make ourselves available. But, when we can’t we shouldn’t dwell on how inconsiderate others may be not respecting you or your time. They’ve moved on from their requests – we should too – speaking to myself here!
When we allow someone to affect us in such away we give over our power. No one has the power to make you feel or to do any thing. It’s yours and it’s your choice. I forgot that for some time.
What is Contentment?
Peace of mind knowing that you are you; what you can do is what you can do; what gifts or talents you have are yours to use; your time is important; others are also important. We need to learn balance in our lives. It helps to lay out to plan your day. On my desk I have a notepad, “To Do List“. I write each day, ‘six most important things to do‘. I really need this. I’m easily distracted.
The Most Important Thing in Your Life
Is relationships. The first one is yours with God. Do you believe in Him? Have you a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. True deep contentment comes from God and it’s amazing. Others – we definitely shouldn’t compare ourself with others, but we should definitely not live insular lives. Remember the acronym: JOY: Jesus – Others – You
Work each day on your relationship with Jesus. Make that a priority.
Surround yourself with others – by work, by family or by society….do something good each day for someone
Yourself -accept yourself for who you are; work hard at what you have to do and enjoy what you have.
Life is too short for comparison and for little fits of anger like the one I had. It robbed me of contentment for that day. The best way to have others respect your time is for you to do the same.
‘Never put off tomorrow what could be done today’.
So, remember, don’t compare yourself with others, know and enjoy your uniqueness, plan your time, show respect for yourself and for others, and most importantly work every day on your relationship with God. Through God you can have incredible peace and contentment – no matter what comes your way.