Serene Sunday
I remember the moment when I first heard of the free gift of salvation. I was just fourteen years old. I had heard about Jesus before, but I hadn’t completely comprehended the complete love God had towards me. I then heard about the greatest demonstration of love from God the Father and from His Son Jesus Christ. I heard about how that they SO loved the world that Jesus took our place. He paid the price for the penalty of all who sin. And all have sinned. This payment is offered as a gift. All we have to do is to believe.
I believed God.
I also fell in love with God the Father and with Jesus. My heart was full and has been filled over and over with the joy of salvation.
There are many things people believe in today. There are many things people believe they can believe in. They think their way is right or that all ways are right.
But there was only One. There was only One who paid the price for all of the world. There was only one demonstration of love and only One who could do it.
There’s also only one road. There’s also only one way. There’s also only one gift. And there’s nothing, nothing, nothing we could do EVER to earn this gift. That’s what a gift is all about. It’s freely given by the One who loved us. ALL we or anyone has to do is to believe GOD and to accept this gift.
That’s all.
I saw myself that night I believed. I understood that all my sins required a payment. I understood that there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t be good enough, do enough or earn enough to pay the debt. It’s impossible.
But, God.
His rich mercy granted us the opportunity to choose. Believe what you want – it’s your freewill choice. I choose to believe God.
Now, I’m learning to walk daily by this faith. I’m learning to grow in His grace. I’m learning to love as He loved. Not for myself, but for anyone else who needs to know. If you have something wonderful to share – don’t you enthusiastically do so?
Believe God. Read of His record of this love. The Bible from the beginning to end shares His story – of the purpose of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. God wanted to reconcile back to Himself children.
I FULLY believe what God has shared of Himself. I FULLY believe in Jesus Christ and I believe all His promises.
This brings peace and joy to my life. This brings reason and purpose to everything in my life. And the sweetest thing is that now this love that I have come to understand for myself, I wish to spread to others. I’ve learned that the only thing I owe you is to love you. God told us to live a perfect life as Jesus did. How did he live? He lived demonstrating God’s love. That’s how I and all believers should live.
There is an abundance of grace through Jesus Christ. This gift is freely given to all. Have you accepted this gift?