Serene Sunday
I’ve been thoroughly reading through the book of Romans for some time now. Each time I read through the chapters more comes through. And what comes through the most -is grace.
Oh, the wonderful grace of God toward us. We were hopeless. All of us. We could try to do all the things that are considered to be right before God. But, in and of ourselves we can’t. We just can’t. We battle with our thoughts and feelings on a daily basis. We make wrong decisions. We get frustrated and angry with people and situations. It’s impossible in our own strength to always do the right thing.
‘But God – rich in mercy came to save me‘….
Where we couldn’t do what was needed to be done – Christ did it for us. Christ willingly took on flesh – became a man – lived on this earth a sinless life and then – he gave up that life as a sacrifice, payment for ALL of ALL of our sins.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,” Ephesians 2:8
The gift of salvation through Jesus Christ brings us to a relationship with God that we could not have without him.
The only thing we do is believe – we exercise faith.
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. By whom we all have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. ” Romans 5:1,2
Now, as we learn more about the grace of God and of his wonderful mercy toward us we begin to see how we need to let the love of God and grace abound in our lives toward others.
We see differences in people from ourselves. But, when it comes to the most important need everyone has – we’re all the same. We all need the grace of God in salvation and we all need to fully understand just who Jesus Christ is and what he’s done for us. All have the same need for this salvation. Without it – there’s no relationship.
Our grace needs to abound with the power of God in our hearts toward others. Our lives and our priorities need to be a reflection of God’s love that we learned of and accepted toward ourselves.
If God so freely extended his grace toward us – how can we withhold grace toward others? It just doesn’t make sense.
Let grace abound in your hearts and minds toward all people knowing the grace that was so generously extended to us individually.