
Serene Sunday

The Virtuous Woman

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The Proverb’s 31 Virtuous Woman

When someone speaks of you in a complimentary fashion…what do you want them to say of you? What do you want your family to praise you for?

There’s a lovely poem, an acrostic poem, in the last chapter of the book of Proverbs that gives praise to a Virtuous Woman. I am going to share thoughts on each of these attributes in the next few weeks.

To be known as a Virtuous Woman is an honorable endeavor. Most especially if she is viewed in this fashion by her husband, children and family. If her community and friends view her this way it is wonderful. The most important opinion a woman should seek after is that of her God. If our Father views us as a Virtuous Woman…our hearts should sing with joy and praise. Our life is to be a praise to Him.

I love it when I make my husband and family smile…I love it more when I make God smile. The words and description in Proverbs 31 were inspired by God so that we can know, so that we can learn and so that we can attain this honor.

So, in God’s eyes, what is a Virtuous Woman?

What Does Virtuous mean? From the Greek, this word means, ‘goodness, moral excellence, perfection, virtue, uprightness, gracious.’

According to Proverbs 31:10 a Virtuous Woman is rare and valuable. I believe that to be known as a Virtuous Woman she should strive each day to first develop and grow her relationship with God. She should first learn of him of HIS graciousness, love, kindness and mercy. From this, also known as ‘The Fruits of the Spirit’ the woman can strive to allow God to work through HER to demonstrate these Godly attributes towards her family, friends and community. A Virtuous Woman seeks to live a life led by God through the Holy Spirit. This is very possible with every believing woman no matter her personality, her age, her position in life…it’s all a matter of the heart and her desire to serve God and to surrender her life to Him.

The Virtuous Woman in How She Treats Her Husband and Her Family

She is Trustworthy

Proverbs 31:11, “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.”

A Virtuous Woman has the full confidence and trust of her husband that she will conduct herself well and discreetly. That while they’re apart in their daily duties and endeavors he will know that she is acting in a way that honors her God, him and herself. This confidence, this trust in her benefits ‘no need of spoil‘ or ‘he shall not lack gain’. A Virtuous Woman will diligently, thoughtfully and carefully conduct herself and her household in a manner that will please God and will make her husband happy. Not only this – she will be happy to do this for them both!

She is Constant in Her Love

Proverbs 31:12, “She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.”

A believing woman’s love is that kind of love that reflects God’s love towards his children. It is selfless, complete and giving. In her endeavor to reflect God’s love toward her husband and her family she is consistent in her conduct towards her husband, always pursuing his best interests. In every situation, in good or in bad times and throughout their life together. A Virtuous Woman’s love towards her husband is based on reflecting God’s love and is based on the highest principles He shares through His word. This love is unchanging and will not diminish. Through her love in this manner toward her husband she is revealing God in her in a beautiful fashion that will in turn gain respect, devotion and adoration from her husband.

She is Married to a Good Man

Proverbs 31:23, “Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.”

As the Virtuous Woman looks well to the way she conducts herself towards her family – to reflect the love of God – and that she conducts herself well in her daily business these actions benefit her husband. She looks for ways to ‘advance’ her husband or as I used to say ‘to promote him’. She looks for ways to praise him before her children and to encourage him. As she takes care of herself, her home and her children, seeking God first, this enables her husband to do his part. That is to do ‘his share’ in working and living his life in a Godly manner in the public. A Virtuous Godly woman kindly encourages her husband and praises him in his pursuits. As Provers 12:4 states, ‘a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband’. God created and gifted woman with the unique ability to encourage and to help her husband.

She is Blessed by Her Family

Proverbs 31:28, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed: her husband also, and he praiseth her.”

When God blesses a woman to become a mother, He gives her one of the greatest blessings she can have in her life. She has the unique privilege to lead, guide and train the hearts and minds of her children. These children who will observe her constant diligence and attentiveness to herself, her household, her husband and most importantly her God, will be affectionate towards her and praise her. They will observe her industriousness, her prudence and her affection and respect she demonstrates to her husband. This tremendously blesses her children and gives them direction and confidence in their conduct in life. Having the praise and affection of her husband and children, who know her best, is the best accomplishment a Virtuous Woman can wish to gain. “Her mercy raises up her children and they grow rich and her husband praises her.”

As her children grow in her home and become mature they will grow with the knowledge and judgment from observing their mother’s virtuous behavior. From demonstrating her deep love for her God, her husband, her family and her home – her children will readily show regard for her and will in turn endeavor to live their lives to honor and to serve God as well.

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

These pursuits and endeavors are a daily function. This begins with a diligent pursuit of a relationship with God. As a Virtuous Woman grows in her knowledge of God, His love and His attributes; as this woman daily surrenders her life to the guidance of the Holy Spirit she can daily begin to act and to live out the attributes that are known and revered as a Virtuous Woman. This first begins with God and then her family.

Next, I will share How a Virtuous Woman conducts herself in her daily responsibilities.



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