There is a phrase, and the beginning of this phrase is interesting as well as it’s acronym, ‘What You See is What You Get’. Or, as some may be familiar with ‘WYSIWYG’ – pronounced, ‘whizzywig’. It is meant as a straight forward – there’s nothing hidden – simply – what you do see is truly what you get.
But, today, I’d like to emphasize one word in this phrase. Because, it is also pretty well known, that several people looking at the same thing, same person or watching the same event may see totally different things.
So, the word I’d like to emphasize is ‘What YOU see is what YOU get.’
A lot in life is mindset. A lot of our perception of life is what we see or in truth, what we expect to see. So, if you’re looking for something specific you’re tuned in to find that thing. If you’re looking for a certain perception in someone – you’ll find it. If you’re looking to prove your point of view…soon enough, you’ll find the right terms, phrases and/or actions to prove your point. Because, that is what you are looking for. What YOU see is what YOU get.
So, if you look at life as others always getting a better deal. Or as others treating you because of some perceived prejudice. You’ll find it, because that’s what you’re looking for.
It’s all a matter of perspective.
If, however, you’re looking for joy, happiness, contentment, peace…you’ll find it. Not in things, people or circumstances. If you’re looking for real joy, real happiness, real contentment and real peace there’s only one place to find it – through God.
Now, I know some people who don’t believe in God and they try to prove their point by pointing out what they see and what they believe about Christians. They are seeing what they’re looking for to prove their point.
They’re missing the whole big picture.
Yes, this world is messy. Yes, there is some inequity in this world. Yes, there are people who are out to get what they can to serve themselves. And, yes, some of those people call themselves Christians. Sadly, these folks do more harm in the big scheme of things than good. Because people are looking to WYSISWYG – they’re looking for what they want to see…and some will fulfill their expectations.
But, God. He knew. From the beginning, this was the story. The biggest deceiver used perception as his tool to fool. He uses imitation to lead astray…this is not new. He knows that people look on the outside and he knows that people will see what they want to see.
So, what do we do?
God is not helpless in this. He does, however, allow us to make up our own minds and come to our own conclusions. The only one who truly fulfills – WYSIWYG is God. He is love, joy, peace, contentment and so much more. He is also just, justice, truth, and light. There’s no compromise and there’s no in-between. God has revealed himself for centuries and revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the best example of WYSIWYG. He looked at the heart of people and saw their need.
What do we do?
We live our lives to the best of our abilities to reflect the love, kindness, joy, peace and contentment we find when we walk with Him. We have to learn these things. We have to spend time with the real thing – with God Himself. We have to read His words and talk with Him through prayer. When we do, our perception of everything changes. What we see changes and our view of others changes. We begin to see others and things from the lens, from the perspective of God’s point of view.
What are you seeing in life and in others today? Do you have a discontented feeling or do you have peace? Do you have judgment in your heart toward another or do you have love and compassion? What do you see? What do you see in yourself? Do you see the love of God toward others? When you look in the mirror what is your WYSIWYG?
‘Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.‘ Philippians 2:2-3