I am so well known now by my family that I love the power of paint…Any thing can be transformed, made new and made to coordinate better simply by applying paint. I am so excited by my latest simple paint project. This is when you know…spray paint makes all the difference.
How Spray Paint Easily Transformed This Basket
So, I’ve had this basket for years…I really would love to know if there’s a name for this style of basket. Do you know? This is how it looked originally….
We had it tucked away under a table with dried Hydrangeas in our Master bedroom. I was becoming less and less enamored with it’s color…You know I’m leaning toward more serene colors of blues, whites, greys, greiges and such. At first I thought of White.
I’ve painted a basket white before, with salt paint, with chalk paint, with liming paint…but one of the easiest and best ways to transform a basket is with spray paint!
I was considering white…white washed…distressed (kind of like the basket above) I looked through my paint colors and found…yellow! I’m leaning toward yellows in the living room this summer.
Just a few Coats of Spray Paint

first coat

second coat
I turned the basket over to ensure the bottom of the pattern was covered and the bottom of the basket painted. I painted it completely inside and out…
And Now…add Hydrangeas
The perfect combination
Now comes the dilemma…where to place the basket with the blue Hydrangeas…
By this chair?
By this chair….
Or on the ottoman.
I could continue to look for places, atop the dining table, by the fireplace…
I love this basket and now especially that it has been given a new life with spray paint…I see so many possibilities in just how I can now use it in my decor….
Do you have a preference?
Now…onto another paint project…there’s a small side table that has been catching my eye and imagination…it needs some paint!