Cottage Style can be defined in so very many ways. French Country, English Country, Shabby Chic, Romantic, Garden, Prairie, and so forth.
I love the elements to each style. As much as I would like to change our Living/Family room to a softer more romantic look, this is the space shared by all in the family. Fortunately, there’s a Cottage Style that suits us all.
wood furniture, over-stuffed couches, leather and or velvet couches (especially with a lived-in look), brass accents, pictures, handmade objects, collectibles displayed, cabinets, books
all that would come together to reflect comfort, love,
warmth, and contentment.
We had the basic elements already in place – warmer coloring – autumn colors; leather couch, flowered couch, overstuffed chair, cabinets, pictures, books, brass accents, collectibles…and so forth.
I added pillows to the three side chairs – one velvet tapestry – one floral, I added throws to a couch and to a couple of the chairs;
I added this floral arrangement – one my aunt made for my mother several years back; a fresh flower arrangement;
a silk flower arrangement on a chest with brass accents placed alongside.
I recently shared with you the bench I painted now topped with two slip-covered pillows.
Home and Garden Thursday
Feather Your Nest
Home Sweet Home
Show and Tell Friday