It began with an idea
Inspiration for wreaths of all kinds abound every where. There’s so many beautifully styled natural and creative wreaths to choose from.
I wanted a burlap wreath.
I’ve seen so many out there on Pinterest and Blogs with woven or ruffled burlap – the look enchants me.
So I decided to take a couple of my burlap coffee bags; create strips out of them to make my own version of a burlap wreath.
I wanted texture and color.
So while shopping for the wreath form I found some lovely deep red ribbon and a charming crocheted ribbon.
The process was easy and worked well as I progressed – quite pleased with the result!
The color of course was to be red….I just love red and it’s perfect for the Christmas holiday.
Jingle Bells to the rescue!
I remembered that I had some gold jingle bells in my craft closet and thought they’d be marvelous, painted red and grouped together!
The Materials need are few….the steps simple.
Step 1: cut burlap horizontally into 4 1/2 inch wide strips; fold each strip in thirds and then divide those that are folded. Cut off the sewn edges – you’ll end up with six strips approximately 9 1/2 inches long. Fold each strip in half lengthwise and insert through one wire in the for as seen above.
Step 2: taking the strip in both hands twist the strip – I twisted away from me with my left hand and toward me with my right hand.
Step 3: fluff out the strip by bending the fold out – like a petal.
Step 4: repeat with each strip –
Step 5: continue – you will end up with approximately 10-11 twisted strip per divided section. You’ll need to make this snug.
Add whatever ribbon or decorative item you wish – use your imagination!
I am thinking that I really like having a wreath in this corner of the kitchen… especially a burlap wreath!