It happened. I began to blog less and less…unintentionally. I actually had big plans for expansion and such. But then, I accepted a responsibility that began to take more and more of my time. When I take something on, I do want to give it my best.
I Got off Track Blogging
I shared in an earlier post the how and who I got off track. I decided the first step in getting back on track was to determine…
Why I began Blogging in the first place…
There are memories we have that remain with us. Most often their attached to emotion or some special occurence. I distinctly remember the moment I decided to begin my own blog. I came across a blog post many, many years ago. It was enchanting. Then I found another blog – the words, the photos touched my heart. I thought I had to be someone in the know to comment. I felt like a silent observer.
I wanted to become part of a community
There were and are the bloggers who enjoy tea time. There were and are bloggers who enjoy all things cottage. The more you explore, the more topics you find covered by bloggers. This was and is a very generous community – very encouraging and kind. Who wouldn’t want to be part of this!
I explored my options
There are ways to start a blog – for free – and on relatively simple platforms. I, like many others chose that path. I began to learn – to post, to visit and to participate. My followers and those blogs that I followed began to grow steadily.
The Why…is it Still There
The answer is a resounding yes! I still want to be a part of this community. I still want to create and share what I create. Revisiting my why helped me to remember the charm of the very beginning of blogging. How beautiful they all were/are.
Why Do or Should You Blog….
- Are you like me…lurking on the sidelines admiring and wanting to fit in?
- Do you have a passion you just love to share
- Are you a Foodie? Do you love to cook and to share recipes?
- Do you like to create decor items for your home…or just love decorating?
- Do you love sharing your thoughts, your inspirations, your faith?
- Do you love to write and write and write and write?
- Do you love to take photographs…find beauty in the world that surrounds you?
- Do you like to help others with ideas that have helped you
These and so many more are good reasons to blog. There are those out there who are looking for good craft, cooking, thrifting, decor and life management ideas. Yours may be the one they’re looking for.
Blogging is Rewarding
Oh, so much more than I realized some five years ago. I wanted to belong to this community. I didn’t realize that I would gain friends through blogging, get to meet them, share joys and heartaches. Not only that but, that the blog could help me contribute to my family in so many ways. Blogging is rewarding as an outlet, as a link to others and as a benefit to our families.
Care to Join….
If I had my druthers, I’d begin where I am now. At a self-hosted site. I own my site and have complete control. That I truly love! But, if you simply want to create a blog just to share your thougths and ideas you can use several platforms to include Blogspot and WordPress…just search; you’ll find your right fit. Ask too what others like to use.
Blogging…the Why
Because you’ll love it, it will become a wonderful outlet – venue for you to create, share and to be inspired.
Blogging…When You Get off Track