The first time I saw a Coffee Filter Wreath,
I knew I would make one. They’re so very pretty and so Fluffy! I thought to myself, ‘I could make this!‘ I then researched how to make these wreaths and discovered just how easy they are to make. Fast, fun, and did I say fluffy! They’re also frugal (total cost for mine estimated at five dollars); making this a perfect thrifty Christmas project.
Several Ways to Make This Wreath

in this method, the folded filters are glued facing the same direction going round the form at each ring.
By researching and watching how-to videos, I discovered there are quite a few ways to make this wreath as well as a variety of forms one can use. I used the wire wreath form that can be find at craft and hobby stores, but you can make these wreaths from cut out paper plates, cut out cardboard, pool noodles, straw wreath forms, and even metal wrings found at hardware stores. It’s up to you.
The Supplies
- wreath form
- coffee filters – this project took approximately 250 filters
- hot glue
- low-temp. hot glue gun
- ribbon
- extra: flower made from textured wallpaper and paper roses
The Steps
The beginning and the ending steps are the most time consuming and ones that don’t need dedicated attention, so you can watch a movie, listen to an audio book or just listen to music while you do these steps.
- flatten the coffee filter wreaths
- fold each individual filter in half
- fold the coffee filter half into a quarter (make several ahead or all)
- place a dab of hot glue on the outer edge of the wreath form (mine had 4 wire rings)
- lay a folded coffee filter onto the dab of hot glue – facing sideways to the right
- apply another dab of blue approximately 1/2 inch away from corner of folded coffee filter to the left
- repeat steps 4-6 all the way around the wreath form
- Repeat these steps along the next inner wire wring, same direction (the filters on the outer ring can be folded back to get out of the way of the second layer)
- Repeat along remaining wire rings. Along the inner ring I glued the quartered filters facing up.
- Fluff the folded filters by opening the folds, pulling out the inner fold slightly and giving it a twist. Work your way around filter by filter working your way to the center.
If you’d like to see a video of this process you can go here. Alternate ways of folding and fluffing as well as layering can be found here and here. You see, you can select several ways to achieve the very same look.
The Results
I am hanging my Coffee Filter Wreath on the mirror above the piano in the dining room. This begins and sets the tone for this room’s Christmas decor.
Added Embellishment
I found this idea on the Lowe’s video. I loved the look and the idea of using textured wallpaper to make the Poinsettia flower. You can use several things to create the flower’s center. In the video they used painted cedar balls. I found another example using pretty buttons. I chose these small paper roses for their floral look and color. They were glued to the center of the Poinsettia flower.
To Make The Flower
I drew a leaf onto one side of a strip of the textured wallpaper folded into fourths. After I cut the four leaves, I traced the drawn leaf onto another section of folded wallpaper. For this flower I used six large and six half-sized leaves. Each leaf was folded in half to give the leaf dimension and curled back at the tip and at the sides. Hot glue the leaves onto a cut out circle of wall paper layering the leaves one slightly over the other. Alternate the position of the smaller leaves as seen in the pictures. Glue on the decorative center and glue to your choice of ribbon already looped over the wreath.
Behind the Scenes
To hang the wreath I used a wide blue ribbon. I stapled the ends together and hot glued the folded over edge. on the back of the ribbon I cut three slits and inserted a picture rail hook. I hot glued this hook to the ribbon. This enables me to easily hang the wreath on a picture rail or as I did on the frame of a mirror.
Many Options
You can use a variety of wreath forms and sizes. You can also dye your coffee filters to create a Shabby Chic look. Not only this, you can also make smaller wreaths using paper cupcake liners. I may give that a try myself. I know that I will be making more than one of these fun, fast and fluffy wreaths.
- keep a bowl of ice water nearby in case you burn your fingers
- use low-temp hot glue
- place something (cardboard or wax paper) below the wreath form, the glue will drip through
- fold several or all of the filters ahead of the time – the fastest part is gluing the folded filters
- you can use felt to cover the back of the wreath to protect walls or furniture from the wire form
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