Finding a Beautiful French Rolling Pin and Dough Bowl
Last weekend,
I went to Atlanta to retrieve an auction item we’d won – garden tools. I bid on a French style bed and was outbid. Sigh. There will be one in my future!
Since I was traveling so far,
I thought I’d see if there were any sales in the nearby area. There was – an Estate liquidation. Most of what I saw pictured didn’t appeal to me, but I decided to visit…and am I oh, so glad I did!
I strolled through the house looking at everything –
passing from the garage to the breakfast area through the kitchen and beyond. Nothing appealed to me. The folks tending the sale inquired if I was leaving empty handed. I ruefully smiled said, ‘well, it looks like I am’.
Then I walked once more through the kitchen.
The first thing I saw underneath a few items was this dough bowl. Oh! My! One just like my Grandmothers – with lovely, well-worn patina.
My eyes then more carefully scanned the room and I found the French rolling pin!
No price on either item. I also found a small enameled cast-iron pan (which my daughter claimed later). I took the items to those tending the sale. One looked at the other – noting the French rolling pin – ‘what’s that?’ she said. The other answered, ‘I don’t know’. I told them that none of these items had prices, what would they take for them…
The second attendee quoted,’Four dollars.
Two for the bowl and one for each of the other’. ‘Sure!’ I replied squeeling with delight and jumping up and down like a child – all within myself!
I picked some of these rambling roses to put on my desk,
also thinking they’d look pretty with the dough bowl and rolling pin. Then I noticed how similar they were in beauty to the roses on the Rose Chintz teacup and saucer.
These fragrant roses are ramblers –
I have no idea what they’re name is – but I love them so. They are full of buds right now…I will dry some of the petals for potpourri.
Later today, I’ll enjoy a lovely cup of tea –
with the fragrant roses nearby – and will reflect with gratefulness on the beauty of the day and the blessings that have come my way.
Today is said to be a near perfect day –
I hope to make the best of it – clear away some of the remnants of our wonderful Easter weekend – tend the garden…take a moment to sit and enjoy and perhaps
try out my new/old rolling pin and dough bowl.