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Serene Sunday

Serene Sunday

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Serene Sunday

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5

Paul’s heart was for those who introduced Christ to; those whom formed the churches to whose letters he wrote. His deepest desire was for them to fully understand what they’ve gained through salvation. He deeply desired for the ‘church’ to be one and in harmony.

How can we do that? One person at a time – we’re only responsible for our own selves.

We’re told often in the Bible that we battle daily. One of the most constant battle is with ourselves – our ‘nature’. Our nature wants to stick up for itself. It wants to put itself first. It doesn’t want to let anyone off the hook if they’ve done them wrong. Our own nature wants to fully nurture itself, promote itself and to protect itself.

In the book of Philippians Paul admonishes to ‘let this mind be in you…”

What it means is to ‘keep thinking this’. We are to constantly maintain a certain attitude within ourselves.

What is the mindset we are to continually maintain?

The answer comes in the previous verses:

“Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others”. (Philippians 2:2-4)

What are we to do?

  • Live in harmony – live in harmony among themselves – the body is to be one and to have a complete desire to fulfill their individual parts to the glory of God.
  • Be impartial – have the same love toward the other – no one in the body of Christ should be exalted above another
  • Be of one accord – the body of Christ is to be united in Spirit – Christ’s purpose should be our purpose
  • Of one mind – we are all to value the same thing – we are to value those things that are important to God
  • Let nothing be done through selfishness – we are not to try to gain our own way – but the betterment of the whole
  • Look to the needs of others – each is to be just as concerned about the needs and problems of his fellow Christian as he is for his own needs.

As we began, ‘let this mind be in you’. Let this Christ-like attitude continually be in your thoughts and actions. We have to do battle most of the time with ourselves. Let’s remember to look outward more and not inward. Our life is short – God’s blessings each day are many – live each day in joy, in happiness and doing for others all for the sake of Christ.

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