My thoughts these past couple of days have been on our lives – how we live – what people remember us by and what we leave behind. Our lives are filled with days where we enjoy our family, our friends and our homes. We spend time creating homes filled with those things we like…these can be things that one day may tell a story of our life.

I thought of myself – when someday it would be my things, my home up for the offering…would friends come by…would they remember me by the things I left behind. I concluded that we are not defined the things we leave behind – we are defined by the person we were – our beliefs and how we treated others…
I have been inspired to take another look at my ‘things’ to make sure that what I invest the most time and thought in are those whom I love – to be Thankful – for God – for life – for family and for friends. When you think about it all – we have a lot of blessings to be thankful for.